Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Found on Craiglist's Women Seeking Men area:

"Compassionate Conservative - 26

Can I go anywhere in this town without hearing about Mumia, legalizing
drug addiction or how wrong it is that our country is defending itself
against democracy-hating terrorists? Surely there is someone out there who
isn’t just a treasonous hippie looking for a socialist love-in.

Seeking someone who is upset about the slander of our leaders during
this time of war. Someone who wants to watch CNN and get so riled up in our
patriotic fervor that we lose our conservative cool and enjoy a good
old fashioned American f**k to the sensual tones of “Hail to the Chief”,
shaking the house so hard the neighbors will think we’re being carpet-bombed.

You must be well educated, well established and know that it’s an
individual’s responsibility to take care of one's self. I don’t expect
handouts and can’t respect anyone who does.

I’m 5’10” 130 lbs and have long blond hair. I’d look hot in uniform.

Leave your bleeding heart at the door and maybe we could have a good

Those braver than me can email until the forthcoming shit storm causes the post to be removed.

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