Monday, April 11, 2016

NaPoWriMo, Day Eleven, Poem Eight

Things to Do When You Have No Hope

Show up to work early every day
often enough they'll take it as given
you never take mornings off, leave early.

The less you care where you're going
the more outstanding your reviews,
the bonuses you've stopped saving.

Hone your listening skills, sync them
with your ability to obey, to receive
compliments on your patience.

Improve your personal appearance.
Dress more current, keep self-inflicted wounds
to a part of your body they'll never see.

Take your desire for other things
put it into other well-meaning projects
 like your mother's birthday bouquet.

Put every promise you can't make
in a card she can put on her bulletin board
and look at from time to time.

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