Monday, October 02, 2017

Take Time to Visit Walter Howard

Walter Howard has been suffering from a variety of medical problems. Thanks to the efforts of Joan Kimball, Boston area poets have been scheduling visits with him, and I encourage all of you to do the same the first chance you get. 

Walter's current address is:

Walter Lincoln Howard, Jr.
c/o Eliot Center for Health
168 West Central Street
Natick, MA 01760

Per Joan's instructions: "Go any time––10-12 am and after 1 pm are best.
Not essential, but he’d welcome a poem or a soft snack (eclair, fudge, cookie, Boston Chicken’s meatloaf: nothing hard to chew)."

If you can't visit him, please send letters, poems and well wishes to the above address.

Thanks again to Joan.

Some video of Walter at Stone Stone Soup follows below.


Unknown said...

Where can I find his poetry?

Chad Parenteau said...

Chad Parenteau said...

In case the link doesn't work, his collection "Reflections in Moonlight" is available on Amazon.