Sunday, May 26, 2019

Your Weekly Dose of God

This week's dose comes not in the form of a photo, but a story of  an interaction with someone I didn't dare try to photograph.

A few weeks back, I was walking to get coins for the laundromat and do other errands. It was still cool enough for my long coat, and out of regular habit I was carrying my black writing journal.

I walked by this large man standing near a pizza shop. He looked at me and started yelling "Bible! The Bible! while opening his jacket to reveal a shirt with a cross logo on it. I didn't know what to say, so I just went on my way.

Later, I retraced my steps back home and found the same man pointing to me again. Just as I was about to walk by a second time, he shouted at me, "What are you, fucking retarded?!?" And he said it in that familiar South Boston accent (which I refuse to try and imitate with the written word).

These words make me stop, and once I spoke back, he explained that he was jsut wondering if I was a priest because of the black book I was carrying.

Guess I should feel...flattered?

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