Monday, June 10, 2019

Another Workshop With Ron Goba

Ron Noir
Ron Noir

It's the beginning of the month. Time for another writing workshop with friends. The best part of all these meetings is trying to fit in as many joikes as possible in between careful loving critiques.


The joke of mine that didn't land: How "Reserved" in quotes was so perfect in spite of being grammatically incorrect. "Reserved" is a word I would never use to describe Ron.

The real highlight of the day was getting fellow workshopper James Stotts signing copies of his new book, Elgin Pelicans, published by Pen and Anvil Press.

I got my copy!

All this year, I've been jotting down "Ron-isms" in my journal. I'm hoping to turn them into a poem before the end of the year. Ron obviously knows I'm doing this. How can he not when I'm always sitting next to him? At one point, he made up some hilarious verse on the spot, then he looked over to me as if to check if  I was taking it down.

Ron Laughing

More Laughter

How could I not try to make a poem about times like this?

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