Friday, August 23, 2019

Tuesday 4 Poetry OUtdoors, August 27

 From new Tuesday 4 Poetry host Mark Bohrer.

Poetry Outdoors (#2) at the Stevens Estate at Osgood Hill

To poetry lovers,

Experience poetry outdoors! Our second month outdoors! Come out to the Steven's Estate for this month's open mic, Tuesday Aug 27th.

Tuesday4Poetry this month will be in the open air, instead of our regular location at the Stevens Memorial Library.

"Voyages & Homecomings" is the suggested theme for this month. Bring a poem of yours or one by your favorite author on this theme to share. Or pick what moves you, and find your own theme! Come to read or just to listen.

Meet at 6PM, starts at 6:15PM. Meet on the lawn by the tent. Park in the lot behind the house.

This should be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there!

Stevens Estate at Osgood Hill -- 723 Osgood St, North Andover, MA 01845

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