Monday, January 06, 2020

It Hurts, but It's Neccessary

Had to withdraw my poems form a fledgling publication.

I hate doing that, but at my age, I feel the need to be cruel.

I may not have that many poems left in me, and I need to choose their homes well.

It's scarier than ever to invest in a new poetry journal. Every submission to a new first issue feels like a great leap of faith.

If you feel a journal is not quite ready to fly, you should act on that feeling and find a better home for your work.

As it is, I took my poems from being published in someone's second issue, only to send them to someone else's second issue.

My first acknowledged publication credit of 2020 is yet another second issue.  But that one is being published through a university.

I'll be taking more risks in 2020. That doesn't mean they can't be calculated risks.

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