Friday, February 14, 2020

Best Valentine's Day Story Ever

I know it's the best Valentine's story I can tell because it isn't mine.

This is a story I overheard while riding on the Green Line a few Februarys back.

A young lady who ended almost every sentence in a question mark was on her cellphone telling her friend about these kids she worked with (she was maybe a teacher maybe, a para, a daycare worker, I'll never know). This is what she said to the best of my recollection.

So we had our Valentine's Day party? 

And this one kid? He had asked me the day before what he should wear?

And I told him he just had to dress up? And he thought that meant wear a costume?

So he came in dressed as Squirtle from Pokemon? 


He just walked around handing out Valentine's? And signing them Squirtle? It was so great!

Still the best Valentine's story I've ever heard.

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