Monday, March 02, 2020

Friendly Reminder Follow-Up

A while ago I wrote about the big "Close the Camps" sign on Huntington Street made out of tape. It got bigger, then i must have gotten torn down. It's clearly been replaced, then outright defaced!

Close the Camps, defaced withth esign "get a tumblr" and "bruh"

It was also tagged with "Fortnite," which does nothing to halt my suspicions that modern video games are not-so-secretly evil.

Fortnite! written in corner of sign

I can guess that there was a first attempt at a civil reply...

Ripped and possibly partial messge: "other people's stickers are all over the place and never get touched. please

Which was then followed up with this other, not-as civil reply.

Hi! Fuck you to the nazi who keeps complaining and taking these signs down. It's a peaceful protest and if you disagree with closing America's concentration camps, then you're a disgusting white supremacist. Fuck you, Nazi Wentworth Chad! Go complain to you neckbeards and Republicans! Close the Camps

I sympathize with their frustration. I just wish they wouldn't have gone with the "Chad" insult.

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