Monday, October 19, 2020

Moving Forward

 A couple of weeks ago, a contributor at Oddball Magazine wrote me saying they were backing out, going on hiatus, saying we were "getting political," which they tried not to be.

I knew what they really meant, what they're really trying not to say.

I could see it in the background--sometimes in the forefront of what they created. It was never a problem as long as nothing ridiculous was attempted an nobody was senselessly attacked.

Howard Zinn titled his autobiography You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train. Today, the moving train that is the world has started shaking, threatening to derail at any point.

If you anyone who creates thinks their politics don't pour over into the work, that's their prerogative, I guess. I just don't think they're fooling anyone anymore, if they ever did.

I wish them well. I'll welcome them back under the right circumstances.

I just hope they don't think that their walking away phased me in any way.

I'm keeping on. Oddball is keeping on. That's that. 

Whether the train crashes this November or not.

Try to jump off and deny our existence if you can. 

I just don't think that helps you or anyone else. 

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