Monday, March 22, 2021

The Crossover That Never Quite Happened

As a lifetime fan of comics, even jaded as I am, I still love the idea of crossovers, of characters from different creators and companies meeting up to see what happens. Imagine my giddy joy when Geoffrey Fallon sent this quick sketch to me of his characters from "The Secrets of Skinny People" interacting with Tadd and Elmira Odd from Bill Harvey's "The Odds."

Elmira and Tadd Odd looking at the Skinnys saying "Hello" and "Hi" while Skinnys say "This is weird" and "Awkward."

I wanted the two strips to interact in Oddball Magazine, with Bill reacting to one of Geoffrey's strips in a way that could lead to more antics in the "Oddballverse." Sadly, talks never happened with Bill, who left the site last year. The best thing we got was Geoffrey's strip,  "Don't Get It," which poked fun at what might be a typical audience member's reaction to a typical "Odds" setup and punchline.

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