Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thirty Days of Stone Soup Stuff


Before I put my efforts into Oddball Magazine, there was Spoonful, an online tribute magazine to Stone Soup Poetry and its participants. 

I would never have had to courage to press on with this idea if it weren't for James Conant and his wife Cindy K. Williams, two artists who always had work for me for six straight issues (Issues #0 to #5). Cindy would give me a great cover photo to anchor the work in place, and James would provide the quirkier works for the poems inside, though they would work together as well.

The above art piece is called "Lost Days" one they worked on together. I believe Cindy took the initial photo and James did his style over it. It adorned a poem by Sam Cha in issue #3 back in 2008. 

There's probably a lot of poets who wish they could take back their work for that journal, given that I was just learning how to manipulate Blogger. Whatever. I did the best with what I knew and what I had, and I still owe James and Cindy the world a dozen times over for all their help. 

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