Monday, August 09, 2021


Last week, a coworker mentioned that they saw me on the road I usually walk to work on. Ugh!

It happened to be one of those days I was running late because I forgot something at work and had to double back.

I generally walk down the road facing traffic so I can get out of the way if someone is driving crazy (this happens more than you think on this road, though thankfully not yet during my commute). 

Because it is insanely difficult to cross the street after a certain point, if I double back, I have to do it with my back to traffic. I keep to the woods and what has been a lot of wet grass and mud in this season of heavy rain.

I do my best not to double back.Once in a while, though, it happens, and I look ridiculous doing it. 

My coworker probably saw me doing that, of course.

This is why I try to leave as early as possible. Far fewer eyes that can see me.

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