Saturday, April 09, 2022

To My Fellow Bostonians and New Englanders

Did anybody get this in the mail?

Post card withmany celebrities and politicians with the words "The True Story of QAnon"

The True Story of Qanon - I was a child victim of the Cabal spoken of in Qanon. They invented the whole saga of Qanon and planned all news and entertainment event 20 years ago. They planned 9/11, the 7/7 bombing, the Ukraine war, and Covid-19 and they told me that Luvox cures Covid-19. The minutia of every battle and every action by Zelenskyy and Putin were planned. They put a mind reading device in me and tortured me and spied on me my whole life. On Good Friday this world will end, possibly by nukes, or MY world will end. Please read the truth at the below QR code. I will be hiding in Kansas. PLEASE share this and email me at so I know people are getting my postcards. - Russa to go to Moldova? - Search Marburg research UTMB -  World ends 4/22/22 or 4/15/22?

I would post the link for those who would dare. but the site appears to be dead.

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