Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Shampoo is Back!

A while ago, I thought the online poetry journal Shampoo had returned after a too-long hiatus, only to find out that Del Ray Cross' original site was hijacked by scumbags who still used the work of all the poets he published. 

Thankfully the work appears to have been removed, but the original URL remains stolen. 

However, Del  has recreated Shampoo on a new URL. This has been confirmed by Del on Shampoo's Facebook page. 

It's a testament to Del that he was able to preserve the work and unique look of the magazine I contributed to twenty years ago. Even all the cover art is back.

I'll be updating the Writing page on my website to include my Shampoo contributions. 

I'll also be sending work to be part of the upcoming 41st issue.

Thank you, Del, for all your hard work.

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