Monday, December 19, 2022

Holiday Highlight Footnote

Last Wednesday while the climate change carolers were performing, there were some young teenagers yelling out "Stop singing!" and laughing as the Red Line train took off like it was the most major accomplishment of their lives (and who knows, maybe it was). 
I can remember the last time I had a bully encounter in the city. It was Kenmore Square, twenty years ago at least. I was walking down Commonwealth eating ice cream, spilling some on my fingers and licking it off. Out of a pack of bullies passing by, one started grunting as he made wild hand motions suggesting fellatio. 

Haven't felt bully vibes quite like that since then. Until last week. 
There have been many more bullies in my life, but they were the subtle, more stealthy kind you meet as you get older. The kind that gaslight you and ask why you look so mad. These kids more resembled wild bullies at large, the likes of which I haven't seen out in the open like this in ages.

I guess bullying truly is making a comeback. One more thing to be on the watch for in 2023.

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