Tuesday, December 27, 2022

New Practices in 2022: My Patreon Projects

In January, I kicked off my Patreon page. As of this writing, I have only one patron. Maybe next year I'll double that number.

If anything, it was an excuse to feature The Tuesday Poems, a project I started in late 2021. I also continued my From Picture to Page series, which I had stopped the year prior. 

The Tuesday Poems project is the one that took off the most. I might be up to twenty-five pieces by year's end. 

From Picture to Page didn't fare as well. I attribute that to not doing as much outdoor photography this year. Being a shut in for most of the year did me no favors. 

I've been teasing a third project for a while. That may finally happen in 2023.

I appreciate my one patron in light of these troubled times. I also appreciate any motivation to keep writing and won't be stopping either project any time soon.

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