Wednesday, March 08, 2023

A Moment of Comics

I've been keeping up with the Scott Adams controversy over the last couple of weeks, and I am fascinated by the similarities between him and Dave Sim of Cerebus fame. There's the cadence in their speech, their smugness, their belief that people not wanting to engage in their bullshit automatically means that they're proven right, and their willingness to use black people to advance their messages. 

Adams has doubled down on that last point in a way Sim never did (because Adams now has to), but it pays to note that after Sim wrote "Tangent," in Cerebus #265, an essay that finished its thesis by blaming feminism for the failures of the civil rights movement (which is...something you can say). 

What does he follow that up with in the name of Black people?

In Cerebus #267, he introduces and kills off the one black character he ever put in the comic: Paul "Coffee" Annan. a play off of NHL player Paul Coffey and former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. 

In the back pages of the issue, he wrote about being pleased with the fact that he gave the character a "knee length schlong." 

And yes, he did depict that in the above page.

I'm sure the founders of the civil rights movement would appreciate Sim's contributions.

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