Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Moment of Comics

Rick Veitch celebrated his birthday last week. It's amazing how he's still creating comics after all these years with no signs of slowing down. Looking back at his career, I'm a little sad that the screwjob he got at DC Comics meant he would never get his hands fully on John Constantine. I liked Veitch's take on the character. Still a schemer and user but occasionally showing signs of genuine warmth and even kindness.

Above are panels from Swamp Thing #70, drawn with an assist from the criminally underrated Alfredo Acala) where Constantine asks a young savant child for help in predicting which plane is going to crash. The panels are were part of one of Veitch's many two page spreads he was doing at this time so I had to present them on top of each other so they could be read on this blog. Veitch got very experimental in his story telling during his tenure with Swamp Thing. He also added satire wherever and whenever he could. Here, Veitch takes time poke to fun at the Millennium crossover that was happening at the time.


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