Friday, September 08, 2023

Coming Later in September: Tom Daley's Seamus Heaney's Workshop

From Tom Daley:

Here's some information on a class on the poetry of the Irish poet Seamus Heaney I am teaching from 10 am-noon (Eastern time) on Fridays for OWLL starting September 22, 2023. Hope you can join us! 
The details follow.

The Government of the Tongue: Appreciating the Poetry of Seamus Heaney

Instructor: Tom Daley

Class sponsored by OWLL of Lexington (Older Wiser Lifelong Learners)
4 Fridays, 10:00 am–noon (Eastern time)

Sept 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 2023

Cost: $25 Lexington residents; $50 non-residents

To register call the Lexington Recreation Department
at 781-698-4840 or sign up online here.
You’ll need to set up an account with Lexington Recreation Department to register online. If you are 59 or younger, and you don't want to lie about your age, you can call the department and explain that I am giving special dispensation to those who are too young to register. 

Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995 "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past." Few poets of our day have achieved his remarkable synthesis of sentiment and sound. Relying on a deep love of Anglo-Saxon literature (Heaney’s translation of Beowulf is much acclaimed), Heaney’s language appropriates the alliterative thrust and the raw heft of Old English, while creating a poetry that speaks to the present with profound articulation. We’ll study his poetry in the context of his growing up in Northern Ireland in the time of The Troubles. The approach to the poems will be informed by Heaney’s extraordinary output of literary criticism.

This flyer can be posted on social media—please spread the word. Thanks!

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