Sunday, October 22, 2023

October 25: Ryk is a Jim Henson Storyteller Mixed with the Crypt Keeper for Stone Soup Poetry

The last time I featured Ryk McIntyre for a Halloween themed Stone Soup was almost twenty years ago. It would probably grow stale if I asked him every October. Kind of like erotic poetry night every Valentine's Day. But this year, it's a treat!

I've always enjoyed Ryk's takes on traditional movie monsters, Lovecraftian horror and even ghost stories. Please hear some of these takes as Ryk performs via Zoom from an undisclosed location (spooky!) on Wednesday, October 25.

Not only that, but you can bring your own horror themed work to the open mic!

Join us on October 25 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 856 2093 6869

Password: stonesoup

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