Friday, March 08, 2024

Stone Soup Croutons, 3-6-24: Trial Period

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions selected from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.
As always, the poem does no justice. Something in common with the real world system.

Thanks for reading.

Trial Period

Court's in recession
youngest in charge
a stegosaurus. 

Homeless battle on 
with sentient cars

The circus has gone
right into the streets, 
performers unpaid.

Mothers can only 
remind us who 
real enemy is. 

Show too long, skip 
to final judgment
where tyrant falls.

Special thanks to Richard Spisak, Jon Wesick, Bil Lewis, Jan Rowe, Ken Johnson, Ethan Mackler, Robert Fleming, GMS, James Van Looy, and special features John "Chance" Acevedo and Philip J. "Midnight" Curtis. 

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