Friday, August 23, 2024

Stone Soup Croutons, 8-21-24: All Too Conventional

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions selected from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.

R.M. Englehardt performed on Wednesday.
Been waiting for this one all summer. Great night despite a couple of us missing out due to bad internet. 
How I can write a poem about a more(?) demonic Republican National Convention when we just had an absolutely wild Democratic National Convention is beyond me.  Patricia Carragon and Richard Spisak got me going, and R.M. brought me home. Thanks to all of them.

All Too Conventional
Outside eternal rally,
it's Bring You Own 
Marie Marie Antoinette.

Inside, conteestants
line up for most 
displaced stigmata. 

Dilettante demagogues
compete for reposts
while suring Gridnr,
labeling all cities 
they never visited 
as apocalyptic outposts. 
All blame Kamala
or as naked emperor
calls her, Sleepy Joe.
Declaration: They 
will gay up colors
of July fireworks! 
Lawyers repritn Bible,
say there's been no God
watching oaths now inert.

Everyone gets a cover
girl from VHS adult tape
they never ever played.
Black knights draw one
blue line across armor
and are white knights again.

Nero plans second recital,
News collapses, too many
declaring bad buys won.

Thee'll be one with earth 
once a boot stomps right
through it, proves flatness.

The last poet shaman, tired
of scratching Told you so
on stainless steel walls,

starts up last mountain
without billboard, sad 
to be above everything.

Special thanks to Erik Nelson, Patricia Carragon, Jon Wesick, Richard Spisak, Robert Fleming, Jan Rowe, Rich Boucher, Edward S. Gault, James Van Looy and special feature R.M. Engelhardt. 

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