Friday, August 30, 2024

Stone Soup Croutons, 8-28-24: Things to Do Labor Day Weekend

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions selected from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.

This week was just an all-open mic. We had fun. I am still tired. 

Something before the holiday. I am thankful to be privileged enough to celebrate it.

Thanks for reading.

Things to Do Labor Day Weekend
Raise toasts
to renters

floating above
the water, 
all tenuously
as ice cream

over mugs of
root beer.
Watch crows

to pick off

who points and
says M word.
Sing blues for
venerable youth
in school liking
movie clips
while teachers
tick off forbidden. 
Salute expatriate
weekend warriors
back to visit 
their families,
chicks back home
to maternal axe.  

Watch it rain on
the just children

locked out by 
unjust playmates.

Celebrate world's
two thousand years

going without
quantum accident.

Mourn a lack of
alchemy solution
to turn idol gold
back into shit. 


Special thanks to Bil Lewis, Jan Rowe, Mark States, Jackie Oldham, Patricia Carragon, Edward S. Gault, Jackie Chou, Richard Spisak, Jon Wesick and James Van Looy. 

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