Friday, September 20, 2024

Stone Soup Croutons, 9-18-24: Tourist Acts

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions selected from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.

Summer isn't over yet, but I really want to write autumn poems. This is my early start.

I hope to have more energy to continue writing as summer finally gets itself over with.

Thanks for reading.

Tourist Acts
It's like a dog
trying to chase
multiple sticks.
Empathy only
goes so far
before empty.
God's love,
like poutine
not everywhere.
Fill in black 
and white with
anther tune. 

Wait in line
for your dip 
in the water. 

See? Airhead
stay on stairs,
watches, waits
for Goldwater
era granddad
to finally die,
the daughter he
always wanted
here by choice.
Divorce from 
reality is not 
finalized yet.
Airhead knows
it's coming, takes
out cellphone,
takes selfie with
America behind.
Both gone soon. 

Special thanks to Bil Lewis, Jan Rowe, Richard Spisak, Jon Wesick, Robert Fleming, Ethan Mackler, James Van Looy and special feature Edward S. Gault.

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