Sunday, November 16, 2003

Should I be concerned?

I've been part of AuthorsDen for some time now. I've been debating whether or not to renew my membership at the end of the year.

A good number of posts have been political, particularly the stuff I wrote a couple a years ago and wanted to archive. Up until now, the most I've been tampered with is my article on the Church of Euthanasia, which now carries a warning on it before anyone can enter. You know, the kind of warning you see with most porn sites (don't ask how I know this; I just do). I don't object to this too much, except for the fact that now even adults are bound to get the wrong idea and not read it at all.

Recently, though, I posted an album review on the latest posthumous Bill Hicks release Shock and Awe, a recording of a 1992(?) show in England with material on Bush Sr. that's pretty relevant to the current Bush in office. I also allude to Bill Maher's infamous quote on the terrorist's bravery and include the older, damn near similar quote by Hicks.

The post wasn't taken down, but when I checked the hits on each page of my AuthorsDen site, the hits on the Hicks article were somehow removed, as if to imply no one read it yet when I knew someone already had.

This also happened to my article on Rich Mackin; and though it was nowhere near as overtly political as the Hicks piece, this has never happened to anything else I've posted on the Den. Even the stuff I later took off the site is accounted for in hits.

If anyone wants to hit the link to the Hicks article above, I'd appreciate it. That way, I can see if happens again, and ponder what to do.

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