Tuesday, June 22, 2004


I was pondering for a few days what to say, if anything about Franz Wright and this alleged outburst from him as reported by the critic who dissed him.

However, after reading certain posts today (which I won't link, since I'm not picking a fight and don't want to fan the flames), all I want to say to certain bloggers is, please don't theorize on whether or not Mr. Wright is "conquering his demons" on the basis of reading his letters, whether you're alluding to his past drug and alcohol adictions or his mental illness from years ago.

I'd like to say this: The fact that he is still functioning and able to write and use a computer is signs that he is still far from what he described in recent interviews. From my observations, people suffering from addictions/sicknesses tend to be in such a state that you're lucky you hear or see them in the real world at all. To have gone to a certain weekly poetry venue a year ago and see a certain host not even able to sit down, let alone carry out the introductions, made this point for me very well.

I'd be more worried if Franz Wright didn't respond to someone who spitefully and tastelessly referred to his past problems in a review for no justifiable reason.

Still... as someone who has seen and known people dealing with at least one of the three "demons" mentioned above, I know Wright and most of these people would find it insulting to see any arguement on his current state of being based on this kind of "evidence." It's like getting a job evaluation based on your letter to an ex-girlfriend who cheated on you.

I've tried not to judge the letters I've seen by Wright. I don't know him, I've never had my writing attacked in such a petty and vicious manner as recently, and he helped me out a very bad writer's bloc last year when I attened his reading at Brookline Booksmith. I'll just say that it makes me feel bad reading his letters on other people's sites because he just gives people ammunition.

He should start a blog, where far more outrageous writing is excused and/or celebrated on a regular basis.

I'd link it.

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