Information courtesy of Thea Iberal.

Starting June 24th, We Did It For You! Women's Journey Through History will be in repertory at Amazing Things Art Center. Hailed as "a magnificent way to bring the empowering lives of these amazing women to the wider public," this
musical will be performed every month on a Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm.
A reception with the cast and playwright will follow the performance.
Group discounts available. Check out our website for dates. Please join
us and tell your friends.
160 Hollis Street
Framingham, MA 01702
(508) 405-2787
Roseli Weiss playing Eleanor Roosevelt
Highlighting cast member Roseli Weiss
“My great-grandmother was a suffragist and she marched in the parade to
gain the right to vote in Boston in 1913. She inspired me to speak up
for my rights as a woman and to not just settle. I managed to earn three
masters degrees and a doctorate while working full time and having a
family. I’ve been an educator for 44 years, from elementary school
teacher all the way up to superintendent of schools. When I retired, I
became a guide on the Boston Freedom Trail dressed in period colonial
costume. But I’m very shy one-on-one which makes me continue to push
myself past my comfort zone. I have much less fear when I’m on stage and
I love being part of We Did It For You. It has provided
meaning and a sense of pride. I love playing the part of Eleanor
Roosevelt. She was someone my mother admired and someone my mother spoke
of often. I believe my mother was able to attend one of her lectures.
I’m also happy to play the role of Gloria Steinem. The For You finale
song always brings tears of pride to my eyes. It’s very moving
emotionally. I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in this
play. I feel very honored to perform with these talented women."

Peace rally scene from We Did
It For You! On left Bella Abzug (played by Lucinda Davis) listens to
Gloria Steinem (Roseli Weiss)
We Did It For You! Women’s Journey Through History is a powerful musical that tells of the struggles and triumphs women have undergone to get their basic rights in America.
On Women's Equality Day 2017, the musical was brought to the Metrowest
area of Boston. Covering over 400 years, it shares anecdotes from the
lives of 20 characters and identifies the problems women have been up
against on their road towards equality. Bring your groups and
organizations to see it. Audiences love this show because it is
entertaining while having educational depth. Time and again, audience
members say, “I didn’t know that.”
“A very powerful play. It gives me hope.” - Rev. Jim Robinson, Unitarian Church of Sharon
“I really enjoyed the play; it was very "accessible", captivating.” - Andrea Preist, Executive Director, Town of Middleborough Council on Aging
“I thought the play was beautifully done.” – Susan Hotchkiss, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleboro
“So outstanding, I got goose bumps and cried. Much better than just reading about the woman in a book.” - Lilly Ledbetter, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
"There is a sense of gratitude and deep humility. Your daughters
must see this but, the men in your family will enjoy it too.” -- Paul Williams, Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe Winning Songwriter
"Loved it! Learned a lot - even though I consider myself a somewhat well-read feminist!" - Susan Grantham
“I LOVED it. I’m 11 and it got me interested in women’s rights.” – Riley, age 11
“I loved the show! I hope the show gets bigger and bigger because the world needs it now more than ever.” Sarah, age 14
“Your play opened my eyes and made me realize just how long women have had to fight for their independence.” – Kris, Cal State University, San Bernardino
“I thought I would be bored but instead I was entertained, inspired and informed." – Janet, Cal State University, San Bernardino
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