Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tuesday 4 Poetry On a Different Week

 Information courtesy of Mark Bohrer.

The Tuesday 4 Poetry event has a schedule change! Tuesday 4 Poetry is on the 5th Tuesday this month, October 29th.

Come to the Stevens Memorial Library on Tuesday October 29 for our monthly poetry open mic.

Suggested theme this month is "Mothers and Fathers".

Bring a poem or two on this theme, or whatever is on your brain these days.

Whether you're feeling high or low, joy or sadness, bring what you have to say, or just come to listen. Hear the good word.

Stevens Memorial Library, 345 Main Street, North Andover

This time we're in the Rotunda on the main floor. Signup at 6:30 PM, We start at 7PM. Hope to see you there!

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