Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions picked from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book out now collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.
A memorable feature from Philip J Curtis let to a monster-sized open mic with a monster poem to try and tame. I regret not being able to take impressions because I was doing too much work with people contributing by phone. I wrote this in its entirety this morning. To help pace myself, I drafted most of the poem in sparse three-line stanzas as if I were writing a kind of haiku. Philip appreciates that factoid I'm sure, just as I appreciate Philip for putting that idea into my head.
It's kind of a year in review. Feels completely random and without point, much like this year. I did something right, I think. I hope I don't jinx anything by posting this now and make the last weeks of the-year-I-refuse-to-call-by-its-name even worse. Thanks for reading.
The Year to be Done
At long-awaited end,
only thing left imprisoned
No one wants to say
nightmare is over.
We're all awake anyway.
Everyone's a child
again, looking for
next abusive father.
Say nothing. It's the
only possible way
to stay non-political.
Angry boyfriend out,
America turns into
awkward first date.
Struggling to buy
perfect holiday gift,
shopping blind for blind date.
A post modern deity
has no need for sacrifice
worshippers already miserable.
Old/new God old fashioned
enough to crusade and jihad
those who pray in silence.
We all have same worst year,
will pretend every year prior
best year ever.
Just don't kill us now.
We made it this far so far.
Next month, we all turn one-hundred.
Please let mortal skin
survive enough to be seen,
touched before deaths.
Allow hands to steal
food off coworker's desk
without repercussions.
Give chance to teach class
chock full of people
who will not listen.
Have wind against face
submitted without need
to set a timer.
Living crawl over dead
to proclaim suppression,
blindfolded to stand alone.
Letting it be means
turning radio up when
others try to speak.
Wisdom is yesterday's
pasta, not meant to be
boiled and consumed again.
boiled and consumed again.
In this together until
the headline's latest victim
makes others feel guilty.
Nobody, nobody moves
faster than information
like humans who just want
to produce. Up to new
generation who remembers
to listen, recalls when we didn't.
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So tired... |
Special thanks to John Stickney, Jane Spokenword, Patricia Carragon, Black Glitter, Carol Weston, John Wesick, Bil Lewis, Nancy Dodson, C.C. Arshagra, Laurel Lambert, Janet Cormier, Sandy Shakes, Jason Wright, gmoney Ethan Mackler, James Van Looy and Philip J Curis aka Midnight.
Amazing I have to try my best to make up the 2 hour difference and join StoneSoup more often...I thank and appreciate you and your dedication to the art ...Philip J Curtis aka "they call me Midnight "
Amazing job, terrific poem.
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