Friday, November 11, 2022

Stone Soup Croutons, 11-9-22: Cheastbeaten

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions picked from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.
Gloria Monaghan read live at the Assemblage Gallery on Wednesday. I appreciated that she found a way to get so many people out after the elections on Tuesday. If I wasn't hosting, I might not have gone anywhere. I appreciate the youthful energy. 
My poem is all tired old man energy. I regret that, but I think it's going to happen more as I get closer and closer to my next birthday.You've been warned.
Still getting used to writing poems based on live shows that aren't recorded. Don't write as fast as I used to. I'm a victim of my own learning curve. Thanks for reading.


Larkin's posse of motherfuckers
Still find time to say, Smile, Gal.
They have to keep their manners
before the draft, schedule suicides 

in advance. If only they felt safe 
enough to request what bloom

get placed on their graves, reveal
secrets locked behind mothers. 

Why don't they just let you die? 
What future role are all your exes
trying to groom you for? Why 
is everyone forcing you to tap

then make you continue while
crows roll dice over eyes before

both sink under snow, accept
what you can no longer see.

Gloria and the captive audience.

Even when we're live, I'm still writing in the names?

Special thanks to Chris Fitzgerald, Nancy Dodson, Carol Weston, James Van Looy, Janice, Blessed and Gloria Monaghan.

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