Thursday, May 18, 2023

She's Got Wise Words Too!

Janet Cormier sent a photo of this quote to me a while back.

For Janet's written work, read her Bamboozled No More! column every Friday at Oddball Magazine.
Buddha quote on abuse: "If a man foolishly does me wrong, I will return to him the protection of my ungrudging love; the more evil comes from him, the more good shall go from me; the fragrance of goodness always comes to me, and the harmful air of evil goes to him. A wicked man who reproaches a virtuous one is like one who looks up and spits at heaven; the spittle soils not the heaven, but comes back and defiles his own person. The slanderer is like one who flings dust at another when the wind is contrary; the dust returns on him who threw it. The virtuous man cannot be hurt; the misery comes back on the slanderer.".


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