Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Publications I'm Proud of in 2023: Molecule

The biggest highlights of my panel at this year's Massachusetts Poetry Festival were having a post-panel dinner with Toni Bee and Dexter Roberts, seeing Tim Gager run out selling books in the street after going on about how virtual readings do shit for book sales, and getting my print copy of Molecule #8 from the journal's table.

This was the first ever year Editors Kevin Carey and M.P. Carver ever put this out in print. Having published an online journal for a decade, I can tell you that print journals still feel special to me. I always feel honored when my work is selected to be printed on actual paper.
I have been publishing with Molecule since their first issue. It's amazing to feel that both my work and the journal editors have both been progressing over the years. It makes it more of an honor to be contributing to them this whole time. I don't care if I can read it online. Consider me a subscriber.

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