Friday, June 04, 2004


I guess I can understand why blogger bud Jim Behrle or anyone else would give props to the Pope for his comments to George Bush about the war and occupation. It's nice when anyone puts down a script of dogma and says something different and somewhat refreshing. A part of me is glad that any blow to G.W.'s hubris is so heavily reported.

Still, my question to the Pope would be why he let Bush 2 in his home at all, let alone accept a medal from him.

Sorry Jim, but I would have been much more impressed if Pope John Paul took the medal, spat on it, and threw it back in George Whatchamacallit's face. (or had someone else do it--he is old and sick). Instead, he only gave a vague reference to the monstrous debacle in the Middle East and took an opportunity to suck up to one of his most powerful allies in the fight against abortion ("A kid in Iraq got his arms blown off? Wait, he had arms, so that means he was born, right? Oh, never mind...")

Keep in mind that I'm someone who has admired the Pope, or his life during World War II at least.

If a Chigago church flunkie thinks he can bar homosexuals from having communion, the Pope should have had the balls (and black humor) to use that as a precedent to bar Junior from the Vatican for allowing so many forced acts of sodomy to happen inside Abu Ghraib. Unfortunately, the Pope's not that kind of a sly bastard nowadays. Ah, in a perfect world....

Accepting any award from Bush Jr. is like accepting a book blurb from Erza Pound (grooooooan).

Never mind the fact that Georgie brought his own Judgment Day Kit along for the trip.


Anonymous said...

The pope's half-dead. All he can do now is shake his little finger. It's a start.


Chad Parenteau said...
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Chad Parenteau said...

True, true. Still, you think someone so obsessed with the afterlife would reconsider his position of giving nods to too many wannabe tyrants. Jesus, he just gave props to Regan! He can't be so stupid, lifeless and incompetent to think that these crackers are the good guys. If he is, shame on the church for keeping him there to give nods and bestow sainthoods.

All he'd have to do is say that anyone who votes for Bush can not be considered a catholic. It's a tactic the church has used before, believe me. The Bush coup wouldn't be dead just yet, but it would be bleeding all over the White House lawn.

Instead, all we get is material for Christopher Hitchens' new companion book to the one he wrote on Mother Theresa.