Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Shampoo: An Appreciation, Part Two

The end of 2002 began a countdown to the inevitable invasion of Iraq. 

I started my Sarcastic Haiku series towards the end of that year with the hope that I would write more than one poem a year.

 I never thought I would use that exercise to dive into politics. 

 But I did.

The third Sarcastic Haiku ever written later became the genesis for my American Haiku series years later. 

It's still one of the best political poems I ever did. 

In it's original form, I had no idea if any publication would take it. 

But Del Ray Cross did. He published the first three Sarcastic Haiku in issue #17.

Like I wrote previously, it was a new step. If I hadn't gotten support form Del Ray and others in the beginning, I might not have kept at it.

I think about that a lot as a poetry journal editor. 

These things matter. 

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