Friday, July 07, 2023

Stone Soup Croutons, 7-5-23: To The Unknown Refugee

Stone Soup Croutons is a weekly poem I write using lines and impressions selected from Stone Soup Poetry's open mic readers and features. I figure out a title (and sometimes the rest of the poem) later. You can read the other ones I've done since 2015 here.
I also have a book collecting the best of my first year of poems. Click here to purchase it.
Thanks for reading.
This past Wednesday was a little different, as C.C. Arshagra guest hosted a night with special feature Paul Skiff. I was mostly absent and handling family affairs. 

Thanks to an imperfect recording I made, I got to hear the whole feature, wich on top of Skiff's impressive performance (including a magnum opus dedicated to his home in New York's Lower East Side), it was a great showing of new poets and regulars. I'm glad everyone came out in force. I hope you can do so next week when Len Germinara and Sarah Oktay feature next week.

I also hope to supply you with C.C.'s recording along with a list of the participants if C.C. kept a paper list. For now, here's the poem. 

Hoping to write a poem with stanza breaks and zero word repetition soon. Thanks for reading.

To The Unknown Refugee 
Every lost soul wants their face
put on a soup can label while 
they reside in Paris, privileges
carried over from stateside,
friends with rooster, otherwise
how else to know it's morning.
Overseas, old neighborhood 
crumbled under last passthrough,
still not realizing home starts 
with you while society tries 
ripping you apart pavement up.
A new peace is dawning. Those
who disbelieve will be cast off
like any other doubting Thomas. 
Go sit in a room and watch them 
sell whipped cream to the infertile.
Homeless in childhood home 
tells how you dodged a bullet, 
a holocaust with your name on it,
parents teaching how to feel shame
for you and everything except them.
They wait to ladle out a debt 
of gratitude over local fireworks,
pets taking cover, crying, Just do 
whatever they say, they're crazy! 

Special thanks to host C.C. Arshagra long with special feature Paul Skiff.

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