Friday, September 15, 2023

Jazz Poetry at Shades of Green Pub in New York, Monday September 18

Check this out if you're in New York. Information courtesy of Patricia Carragon.
Phoenix Open Mic

This Monday, September 18 at 6:30 pm,

Shades of Green Pub, 125 E. 15th Street, NYC

Open mic

$5 Donation
I will be performing my jazz poetry with jazz poet Moe Seager. Hosted by the fabulous Jennifer Juneau

Bring us a song or a poem, or two, and dazzle the audience along with our features!

$5 donation is greatly appreciated at sign up…

Please support the venue with food or drink, we are so grateful for the space…

Let’s meet our fabulous performers:

PATRICIA CARRAGON’S latest chapbooks from Poets Wear Prada are Meowku and The Cupcake Chronicles. Her debut novel, Angel Fire, is from Alien Buddha Press. She hosts the Brooklyn-based Brownstone Poets and is the editor-in-chief of its annual anthology.

MOE SEAGER is a poet who arranges, phrases and drops syllables in jazz time. Spoken word and in song. Moe renders by voice as instrument. Translated-published in French, Italian and Arabic. Currently with Camion press, Milan. From Paris he skipped town from Pittsburgh and the upper west side.

Click Here for the Facebook invite.

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